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R-Drive Image v6.0 본문

필수 프로그램들

R-Drive Image v6.0

이녁 2024. 12. 29. 17:36
R-Drive Image 6.0 build 6008 한글 패치




R-DriveImage v6.0


Windows용 드라이브 이미지 및 백업

R-Drive Image는 백업 및 복제 용도로 디스크 이미지 파일 만들기를 제공하는 강력한 유틸리티입니다.


디스크 이미지 파일은 하드 드라이브, 파티션 또는 논리 디스크의 정확한 바이트별 사본을 포함하며 Windows OS를 중지하지 않으므로 비즈니스를 중단하지 않고 실시간으로 여러 가지 압축 수준으로 만들 수 있습니다. 이러한 드라이브 이미지 파일은 CD-R(W)/DVD, Iomega Zip 또는 Jazz 디스크 등 여러 가지 이동식 미디어를 포함하여 다양한 위치에 저장할 수 있습니다.

R-Drive Image를 사용하여, 운영 체제 시스템 크래시, 바이러스 공격 또는 하드웨어 실패로 인해 발생한 많은 데이터 손실 이후 시스템을 완벽하고 빠르게 복원할 수 있습니다.


R-Drive Image는 치명적인 시스템 실패 후 데이터 손실을 방지하기 위한 최고의 백업 및 재해 복구 솔루션 중 하나입니다.




업데이트 내용


R-Drive Image 6.0.6008 Tue Sep 15, 2015
- When recovering files from an image, empty folders might not be recovered. Fixed.
- Memory might end when a system dump was being created for a large disk (several TB) with many incremental/differential backups (hundreds). Fixed.
- File search might not work for file recovery from an image. Fixed.

R-Drive Image 6.0.6007 Tue Aug 11, 2015
Startup version:
* Improved recognition for BIOS RAIDs.

R-Drive Image 6.0.6006 Wed Aug 05, 2015 3:41
Startup version:
* linux kernel 4.1.3
* Improved recognition for BIOS RAIDs

- Sometimes an image file might be created incorrectly for ext4fs disks with the 1024-Byte block size. Fixed.

R-Drive Image 6.0.6005 Fri May 22, 2015
* Faster restoration from images for small files.
Startup version:
* Linux kernel 4.0.4
* Improved BIOS RAID detection.



홈페이지 : R-Drive Image 홈페이지 


첨부 파일 06: 

R-Drive_Image v6.0.6012_en.zip


 - R-Drive_Image v6.0.6012 영문 버전


첨부 파일 63:



 - R-Drive Image 6.3 Build 6309 All Editions

 - 6버전 마지막 버전

 - 쉐어웨어

 - 정식 등록자는 등록 가능




업데이트 내용


R-Drive Image 6.3.6309 Fri Feb 19, 2021
- R-Drive Image could not open incremental images with the total number of disks is larger than 4096 in all sessions. Fixed.

R-Drive Image 6.3.6308 Tue Nov 10, 2020
* A hard drive can now be raw-copied to a larger hard drive.

- Mail were not sent correctly from scripts. Fixed.
- Connected images of dynamic disks partitions failed to open. Fixed.
- When Build 6307 ran a script that created correct backup sets with earlier builds, it could not find old full images and always started with creating a new full image. Fixed.

R-Drive Image 6.3.6307 Mon Oct 19, 2020
New features:
+ A new backup set parameter Full image every... for incremental/differential images has been added to the Task's Imaging Mode panel. For example, if this parameter is set to 6 for the differential mode, every 6-th image will be a full image, all other 5 images being differential.

- It was impossible to create a "useful data only" image for APFS Fusion drives. Fixed.
- It was impossible to unlock a locked BitLocker image connected as a virtual logical disk. Fixed.
- The error "Media is removed" may have appeared on Windows 10 when an image of NTFS partition was restored to a FAT32 GPT partition. Fixed.
- R-Drive Image may have crashed when several images were successively restored on the same place without program restart.Fixed.
- R-Drive Image didn't warn the user that administrative privileges were required to successfully execute a script. Fixed.
- An incorrect image may have sometimes been created when a script was executed. Fixed.
- Some backup set parameters may have worked incorrectly. Fixed.
- The disk letter may have disappeared for a logical disk when an incomplete multi-file image was attempted to restore to this disk. Fixed.
- Some cosmetic bugs have been fixed.

Startup version
* The startup version is now based on Linux kernel 5.8.10 with new xorg video drivers.
* DPMS screen blanking/sleep has been disabled to prevent undesirable screen shutoffs.
* Autosuspend for USB devices has been disabled to prevent interruption of disk image creation on USB disks.

- File systems on read-only flash memory drives could not be mounted. Fixed.
- Sometimes individual files could not be restored. Fixed.
- An OEM startup disk may have sometimes failed to load the computer into the R-Drive Image startup version. Fixed.



첨부 파일 07:

R-Drive Image 7.2.7z


R-Drive Image 7.2 빌드 7206


- 단일 파일이기는 하나 7z으로 실행 압축되어 있으며, 윈도우 디펜더에서 바이러스 감지로 인식됨. 


 - R-Drive Image 7.2 7206 단일 파일(일부 기능 제외), 영문



관련 게시글:


 - R-Drive Image 7.2 Build 7207 게시글 


