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Registry Finder 2.58 + Portable 본문

필수 프로그램들

Registry Finder 2.58 + Portable

이녁 2023. 10. 9. 09:27
Registry Finder 2.58 + Portable





레지스터리 한글 패치


홈페이지 : Registry Finder 홈페이지 바로가기 


Version History

  • 2.58 (October 08, 2023) [Download 32-bit 64-bit Installer (includes both 32-bit and 64-bit)]
    • Added ability to create registry value of arbitrary type. Suggested by «G~Lí†çh»
    • The Change Type command is available on the default value even if no value is set.
    • Added Refresh command to the registry list view context menu. Suggested by Mehdi Alimadadi
    • Added support for navigation to key in Power Toys Run when Registry Finder replaces regedit. Reported by SolarTheory
    • Added support for renaming of registry keys in offline registry. Reported by Bluebell
    • Fixed what the Change Type|Binary command did nothing. Reported by «G~Lí†çh»
    • Fixed crash on making registry changes if the undo history was incorrectly edited or corrupted.
    • Fixed incorrect value in the Date Modified column in the right pane in Registry tab in Windows 7/8 compatibility mode. Reported by amshevch
    • Fixed what when a Find Results window was reused for subsequent search, the tab title contained text from the initial search. Reported by KLASS
    • Fixed what inaccessible keys did not have the stop sign image in the right pane. Reported by KLASS


  • 2.57 (May 21, 2023) [Download 32-bit 64-bit Installer (includes both 32-bit and 64-bit)]
    • Address bar accepts keys in the SecEdit's format (a path started with "Classes", "Machine", "Users"). Proposed by Pavel Novikov
    • Backspace in the list pane causes navigation to the parent key. Proposed by Pavel Novikov
    • Edit Favorite dialog can be resized. Suggested by KLASS
    • Installer translated to other languages
    • Fixed artefacts on the right pane of the Favorites window after dragging the splitter bar. Reported by KLASS
    • When Registry Finder replaces regedit, navigation to a key from CCleaner did not work. Reported by Jim Dorf


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