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Directory Opus Pro 13.9.8972 본문

필수 프로그램들

Directory Opus Pro 13.9.8972

이녁 2024. 8. 10. 14:06
Directory Opus Pro 13.9.8972




Directory Opus Pro is a software replacement for Explorer with traditional strength and function more than any manager other files. Directory Opus Pro full support for high DPI screen (for example 4K and 5K) with the rename dialog is redesigned, with new features. Besides being a recording macro only allows you to perform mass renaming complex that don't need regular expressions. In addition, Directory Opus Pro also enhances the ability to script.Better handling of renaming recursive and conflict, the file name and the Apply button allows you to perform several name changes without closing the dialog box.



홈페이지 : GPsoftware Directory Opus Pro 홈페이지 바로가기, .  


첨부 파일:





참고: "기본 설정" -> "인터넷" -> "업데이트"에서 "프로그램 업데이트..." 및 "업데이트된 프로그램 인증서 설치..."를 끄는 것을 반듯이 잊지 마십시오.

참고: 업데이트를 적용하지 마십시오!


첨부 파일 2: 



