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Alchemy CATALYST 2021 14.0.311 본문


Alchemy CATALYST 2021 14.0.311

이녁 2023. 1. 8. 22:21
Alchemy CATALYST 2021 14.0.311 업데이트 소식



Alchemy CATALYST 2021 Release Notes


BUILD 140313

Bug Fixes:

  • XML file parsing - when creating an ezParse rule, an element cannot be set as ID on another element - resolved.
  • A recent change in Build 140311 to store the registry key introduced an issue where the registry entries remained after an uninstall - resolved.

BUILD 140312

Bug Fixes:

  • Interactive alignment with XML files - not all strings displayed in target - resolved.


BUILD 140311



  • Catalyst installation path added to the registry for lookup. The key is: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Alchemy\Alchemy Catalyst 2021\General], with a string value of:
    "InstallDir"="C:\\Program Files\\Alchemy Software\\Catalyst 2021\\"
  • ezScript - Untranslated Unique (#q) and Untranslated Duplicates (#d) switches added to the /GetStats command to output their statistical value.

Bug Fixes:

  • Comparison Expert was wrongly identifying items with the same ID as different when they were the same - resolved. Applicable to both Dialogs and HTML files when multiple items of the same ID found on the same resource.
  • PO Files - Better handling of plural strings when contained between multiple quotes and newline characters.
  • Word preceded by an   was not being displayed in string list but present in translator toolbar - resolved.



프로그램 홈페이지 : Localization Tools | Software Translation | Alchemy Software Development


게시글 이력 :

 -- 2023.01.26 빌드 140313 내용 업데이트 추가




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